By joining EMPI, your organization will support the development of sophisticated thought leadership demonstrating the true value of emergency medicine. Examples of EMPI-sponsored products include:
To join EMPI, please email
Files coming soon.
Open to emergency medicine-related associations such as SAEM, EDPMA, EMRA, etc.
By combining resources and forming a coalition, representation on the EMPI Board of Governors has never been more accessible.
Provider coalitions may be comprised of up to five small ( < 50,000 annual patient care visits) and/or medium (250,000 to 499,999 annual visits) provider groups.
By combining resources and forming a coalition, representation on the EMPI Board of Governors has never been more accessible.
Business coalitions may be comprised of up to five EM-related business entities (RCMs, billing groups, etc).
Open to single emergency medicine provider groups or single emergency medicine-related business groups such as RCMs and billing groups.